Who is running the On-Ice Sessions?

The Division 1 Women’s Ice Hockey team is in charge of running On-Ice sessions. They allocate time to skills, drills, and basic technique.

Can you give more information on the girls running the On-Ice Sessions?

Yes! The girls running the discussion are exceptional female role models involved in athletics at Merrimack College. All girls running the session must complete a background check prior to the program’s start date.

What should the girls bring?

Attendee’s are responsible for bringing their own equipment. They should also bring themselves water.

What will they be served for dinner?

The girls will be served pizza and rolls for dinner. The girls are welcome to have as much, or as little, as they would like! If your daughter has a gluten or dairy allergy, we are happy to accommodate her. We ask that you do however inform us so we can communicate on the best alternative for her. Girls are welcome to bring their own meal if they choose.

What will my daughter gain from this experience?

Your daughter will have the opportunity to learn directly from D1 female hockey players to improve on their skills. As apart of the sessions, they will gain confidence in their leadership, perseverance, abilities, and most importantly, themselves. They will create memorable connections with female role models on and off the ice, and will also create unforgettable friendships.

What time should the girls arrive?

Girls should arrive at 5:45 in order to get their equipment on and settle in.